Michael Petrin Bio

Michael was born in Biddeford Maine and graduated from Miami Beach High School.  There’s not enough room on this page to go into how all that came to pass so we will move on to after he graduated High School.  After graduation he gave college a go and attended the University of Florida.  That lasted a whole year!  According to Michael, “Coming from Miami Beach at a time when it was known as a retirement city and then moving to Gainesville Florida where no one was older then 25 was too much to deal with.  People were partying all day and night, and it was hard to remember why I was there!”

So after that successful stint as a partying gator he entered broadcasting school and became a radio announcer. That lasted a whole 2 years! Michael admits, “I decided I wanted to be the one on the records I was spinning and not the guy spinning them so I formed a band with my brother Gary.”  The many adventures he experienced on the road performing at various venues across the country would take up another page so we will definitely move on from that.

Michael Petrin Bio

After leaving the band Michael settled down and raised a family of his own.  He has 4 amazing children all old enough to keep him straight and hopefully out of too much trouble.  Mike adds, “I also have a beautiful 1 year old granddaughter who is so awesome!”  He finally graduated from college with a BS in Accounting.  “I was working for myself and felt I needed a degree that would carry some weight.  I thought this degree would be more impressive than underwater basket weaving.”

So after experiencing many different places with different jobs “my favorite place so far is Israel, swimming in the Dead Sea was awesome!” He has finally settled down in Baltimore Maryland.  Close to his brother in Virginia but they are just far enough away from each other so they much that don’t get on each others nerves.  The brothers have picked up where they left off many years ago. They are now endeavoring to write and produce original songs. Hope you enjoyed the Michael Petrin Bio.


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